Expert in Strategies & Business Models
Get to know Tomas Pfänder

Tomas Pfänder
After completing his studies in industrial engineering in Paderborn, Tomas Pfänder founded UNITY together with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Gausemeier and Christoph Plass in 1995. Today Tomas Pfänder is Chairman of the Supervisory Board at UNITY and a member of the Supervisory Board of UNITY China. Until today, he has led hundreds of consulting projects, particularly in the areas of foresight, strategy, innovation, factory planning and process optimization. He focuses on the healthcare, machinery and plant engineering, and manufacturing industries. Internally, he is responsible for the finances and strategic management of the company.
Thematic Focus of Tomas Pfänder

- Strategies & Business Models
- Digital Transformation / Industrie 4.0
- Healthcare Management / Health 4.0
- Value Creation in the Future / Arbeit 4.0
- Digital Factory Planning / Digital Hospital Planning
Memberships and other commitments of Tomas Pfänder

- St. Johannisstift Paderborn (Board of Trustees)
- SC Paderborn Stadiongesellschaft (SC Paderborn stadium company, Managing Director)
- Technologie Fonds OWL - Investment Committee (Paderborn)
- SC Paderborn 07 e.V. (Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
- Economic Council of the CDU e.V. (Section spokesperson Hochstift)
- cdgw - Club der Gesundheitswirtschaft (Healthcare Industry Club, Berlin)
- ZIG - Zentrum für Innovation in der Gesundheitswirtschaft Ostwestfalen-Lippe (Center for Innovation in the Healthcare Industry East Westphalia-Lippe, Bielefeld)
- Wirtschaftsclub Paderborn+Höxter (Business Club, Deputy Chairman)
- Arbeitskreis Evangelischer Unternehmer in Deutschland (Working Group of Protestant Entrepreneurs in Germany, Karlsruhe)
Rotary Club Bad Driburg (Past President. PHF)
Veröffentlichungen und News von und mit Tomas Pfänder
Additional Publications
- Innovations for the markets of tomorrow - Strategic planning of products, services and business models
- Columbus also would have had a scenario to explain why his path is the right one, in: Future. Fashion. Economics., 15.09.2016
- Digitalization and networking as drivers of innovation, in: Krankenhaus-IT Journal, 14.08.2015