The authors

Philipp John
Senior Consultant

Dominik Verfürden
Senior Consultant

Jan Weirich
Head of SCM & Logistics
Strategic Location Selection & Evaluation
OPPORTUNITY – Facts for decision makers
With the tense economic situation, rising costs, supply chain disruptions and volatile environments, companies are facing numerous challenges. According to a survey of experts in the UNITY customer network, more than half of the companies surveyed consider location selection and evaluation to be of ‘extremely high’ to ‘high’ relevance.
The choice of location is more than just a question of cost savings. Particularly in our complex and dynamic global economy, it is a key success factor in corporate strategy.
In the OPPORTUNITY ‘Strategic Location Selection & Evaluation’, the authors create incentives to critically review existing production networks and find a balance between cost and strategic considerations. With the help of the described process model, the complex decision of site selection is structured in four steps: scenario development, scenario evaluation, decision preparation and implementation planning.
Contents of the OPPORTUNITY ‘Strategic Location Selection & Evaluation’
The UNITY Approach Model
- Scenario development
- Evaluation of the scenarios
- Preparation for decision-making
- Planning the implementation
In practice, innovative approaches and strategies are needed for location decisions in order to remain competitive as a company. In the coming years, the strategic choice of location will play an increasingly important role. Our publication provides guidance for a forward-looking and adaptable approach.
Jan Weirich
Head of SCM & Logistics and co-author of the OPPORTUNITY
The authors
Senior Consultant
Senior Consultant
Head of SCM & Logistics
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