Saving of time and costs during the construction stage

Planning a new surgical center
Over the past 10 years, the number of surgeries performed at the Landeskrankenhaus Feldkirch has increased by 25%. In order to be able to ensure optimal medical care as the number of patients continuously increased, it was necessary to expand capacity by building a new surgical center. UNITY’s expertise was used for future-proof planning.
After a detailed current state analysis, transparency was established in its surgical processes and surgical organization, then a target process was worked out by including all of the involved stakeholders. Based on this information, various layouts could be tested risk-free in the simulation of the new building. With a total of 12 operating rooms, this ultimately determined the optimal layout that served as a reliable basis for the construction planning. For detailed planning, UNITY simulated different scenarios of room arrangements and employee deployment from which to derive a business concept and service model that will ensure a smooth start for the surgical center in 2017. With these project results, LKHF avoided costly and time-consuming changes during the construction phase, while it simultaneously ensured efficient and future-proof processes for its new building. The operating room layout that was developed together with UNITY was verified in terms of process flow, layout, use of resources and cost effectiveness, and ensures excellent medical care for the projected number of surgical procedures.
€56 Million Investment Volume
15 % increased Capacity
50 % more Emergency Capacity
“Together with UNITY, we were successful in designing our surgical suite so that it is optimally prepared for future challenges. One of the most signifi cant success factors was the early involvement of all groups of employees in the construction planning in order to develop a concept that is holistically coordinated and supported by all employees. We profi ted from the comprehensive expertise of UNITY’s consultants and their many years of experience in the clinical environment.”

Dir. Dipl. KH-BW Harald Maikisch
Administrative Director
Your Contacts

Dennis Braun
Senior Manager