Development of the future logistics concept

End-to-end optimized integrated logistics concept and identified implications for the new construction
- Defined guidelines and requirements for new construction
- Calculated areas for supply and disposal including identified savings potential compared to the planning status
- Logistics flows visualized and optimized on layouts
- Verified planning status and identified constructional implications for a functioning logistics concept
- Specific solutions for efficient processes (e.g. by automating certain procedures)
- Concept for establishing a central logistics team to bundle logistics activities
- Roadmap to implement the logistics concept with concrete implementation projects
"To ask the right questions in this concept was the biggest challenge for us. With their experience, Unity supported us in an unagitated and highly competent manner and led us to a broadly supported result."
Reinhard Kiel
project portfolio manager
Your Conatct

Nicolina Litschgi
Partnerin, Geschäftsführerin UNITY Schweiz AG