Automotive consulting since 1995


With more than 380 consultants in the DACH region and China, UNITY advises this leading industry to develop product strategies, optimize development processes, introduce agile methods, select and implement development tools and technologies as well as integrate new technologies such as AI and machine learning. 

In addition to the development of vehicle electrification and autonomous driving, the development of the automobile as an analogue product to a digital product is currently one of the greatest challenges, because both information technology and the organization of established manufacturers and suppliers must be adapted. UNITY Automotive experts bring methodological knowledge and cross-industry experience required for successful implementation.

In addition, the transition to electromobility presents the automotive industry with enormous challenges in production and logistics, as new technologies are being introduced while the old ones must continue to be operated. Mastering this increase in complexity is only possible through digitalization. As a winner of ‘Germany's Digital Pioneer 2022’ (F.A.Z. Institute award), UNITY brings not only the stimulus but also the technical expertise for the necessary process changes.

For this purpose, several companies under the UNITY Innovation Alliance have joined to provide unparalleled and unique expertise in implementation including UNITY Operations for planning and support services, the Berlin-based software developer Next Data Service and the specialist for change processes UNITYmove.


Consulting Services for the Automotive Industry

Project Stories from the Automotive Industry

Set-up of Innovation-Front-End and Open Innovation Structures

Consistent idea management process for internal and external ideas

  • Definition and configuration of the idea management process and development of a consistent and logical evaluation and decision-making process
  • Derivation of the necessary roles and establishment of these roles within the organization
  • Collection, prioritization and detailing of external idea sources (Open Innovation)
  • Development of a concept for structured idea generation based on innovation campaigns and conduction of pilot campaigns
  • Integration of the process in the existing Viega IT-Landscape
  • Development of a rollout concept and the required documents as well as conduction of training sessions

“Together with UNITY we have set-up the idea front-end for our innovation management system. During the project we have benefited among other things especially by UNITY’s cross-industry knowledge in setting-up innovation management structures.”

Marcel Gille

Project Lead

Viega Technology GmbH & Co. KG

Your Contact

Jannik Woste

Head of Strategy, UNITY Innovation Alliance AG

Paderborn, Germany
Contact us

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Your contacts for the Automotive Industry

Stephan Bille

Executive Board Member

Stuttgart, Germany
Contact us

Philipp Wibbing

Executive Board Member

Paderborn, Germany
Contact us

Peter Albrecht

Business Area Lead

Munich, Germany
Contact us

Jörg Greitemeyer

Partner, Business Area Lead

Braunschweig/Paderborn/Stuttgart, Germany
Contact us

Magnus Meier

Partner, Business Area Team Lead

Munich/Stuttgart, Germany
Contact us

Melanie Heinzler

Head of Business Area

Stuttgart, Germany
Contact us

Welf Kessler

Business Area Lead

Cologne, Germany
Contact us

Markus Kreutmeier

Business Area Lead

Munich, Germany
Contact us

Manuel Kumle

Business Area Lead

Stuttgart, Germany
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Moritz Siegert

Business Area Lead

Stuttgart, Germany
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