Expert for foresight, strategy and innovation management

Get to know Dr. Michael Herbst

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Dr. Michael Herbst

Partner at UNITY

Dr. Michael Herbst is Partner and Business Unit Manager at UNITY and heads the Cologne office. He has been advising DAX 30 companies on future, strategy and innovation issues for more than ten years. In his daily work, he prepares his clients for the fundamental changes of the future, increases their innovative strength and supports them in the necessary change processes. Dr. Michael Herbst studied business administration at the University of Göttingen. His projects and lectures have already taken him to the USA, Denmark, England, Poland, Spain, Belgium, Russia, Egypt, India, Singapore and China.

Thematic Focus Dr. Michael Herbst

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  • Strategy development (corporate strategy, product and service strategy, innovation strategy and business models)
  • Innovation management and increasing innovative strength (innovation organization and process, harmonization of market pull and technology push)
  • Future-oriented organizational development (introduction of foresight, scenarios & trend management)
  • Customer centricity
  • Artificial intelligence, AI

Sample presentations by Dr. Michael Herbst

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[Translate to English:]
  • Digital Innovation
  • Artificial intelligence in innovation management
  • The 3 mantras of innovation management
  • The 6 patterns of success in innovation management
  • Caught between trends and scenarios - the challenge of the future
  • The future of services - curse or blessing?
  • Using future knowledge - How companies use market developments to their advantage
  • Increasing business success by taking customer centricity seriously!
  • Life and Work in an Era of Immersive Information Technology
  • The future of retail - Thinking action - Rule breakers and game changers
Aufmerksam geworden durch seine äußerst spannende Studie „Arbeitsgesellschaft 2020“ hatten wir Herrn Dr. Herbst als Keynote-Speaker für unseren IT-BUSINESS Executive Summit engagiert. Eine sehr gute Entscheidung, wie uns die hochkarätigen Teilnehmer mehrfach bestätigt haben! Sein visionärer Vortrag zum Thema „Dienstleistung der Zukunft – Fluch oder Segen?“ war nicht nur eloquent präsentiert, sondern inspirierte die Gäste des Gipfeltreffens zudem zu hitzigen Diskussionen und Debatten.
Werner Nieberle
Vogel IT-Medien GmbH

Get in touch now

Dr. Michael Herbst

Partner, Business Area Team Lead

Cologne, Germany
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