Successful business transformation

Motivate and empower your employees using our Academy approach and align employee needs with your business goals!

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Enablement and Academy

Strategic Competence Management

Qualified employees determine the success of companies. This fact is reinforced by advancing demographic change, the growing shortage of skilled workers and required competencies that are constantly changing. With the increasing importance of qualified employees, the requirements for targeted employee development are also growing. Above all, this relates to the enablement process, training concepts, learning formats and content.

To meet the increasing complexity, we provide you with a holistic enablement concept.
In detail, the structured Academy approach from UNITY is divided into the following three steps:

Analyze and understand

Create an understanding of the challenges of the future. UNITY analyzes current and future tasks and derives the necessary competencies.

Create awareness and motivate

Make employees aware of the need for change. Motivate personal development through the pursuit of common goals..

Enable and support

Enable employees to successfully meet the challenges of digital transformation. Provide support in the successful implementation in daily work.

Our Academy approach combines the needs of your employees with corporate goals. It is implemented through continuous learner journeys and it is integrated into the everyday lives of your employees using multimedia – from top management and middle management to operational and administrative staff.

This allows you to target and proactively manage the strategic development of competencies in your company. You can decide at which point in the approach you want to get started with us.

The overarching strategic competence management that is established is the link between business and HR development. Benefit from our experience in developing holistic enablement programs in combination with our in-depth industry understanding. Together with you, we develop the capabilities in your company according to your needs. This results in positive effects on your value creation and ensures that it is sustainably secured.

Strategic skill management & enablement

Consulting Services for Enablement and Academy

Are you able to anticipate or are you still reacting?

Your challenges:

  • Lack of competencies to achieve strategic goals
  • Reactive actions and diffusion of responsibility between employee, manager and HR
  • Rigid, non-transparent and less flexible enablement processes

UNITY solution approach:

  • Achieve transparency regarding the status quo of relevant competencies
  • Derive competence requirements from the strategies to achieve the strategic goals
  • Define lean processes and clear responsibilities in the context of competence management, enablement and recruiting
Technically well-planned IT implementation is not enough!

Your challenges:

  • IT implementations lead to complex transformation needs that cannot be solved by taking a purely technical approach
  • Implications at the level of culture, leadership and competencies
  • Acceptance problems due to non-enabled employees

UNITY solution approach:

  • Viewing IT implementation projects holistically, especially in terms of the implications for human resources
  • Early integration of employees into the change process
  • Demand-oriented enablement from awareness to support in applying newly learned skills

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Enablement is expensive and inefficient unless it is needs-based!

Your challenges:

  • High training costs but little effectiveness
  • Unrecognized need for skills and frustrated employees who are enabled in areas that do not fit their job profile
  • Managers lack the awareness to identify and communicate competency needs at an early stage

UNITY solution approach:

  • Best practice methods and processes to analyze enablement needs in a pragmatic and target group specific way.
  • Raise awareness and empower managers
  • Develop a needs-oriented continuing education portfolio
Replace general training with target-group specific training!

Your challenges: 

  • Fragmented training portfolio
  • Inability to transfer competence needs in target group-specific learning objectives into concrete training formats
  • No medium-term or long-term learning paths (learner journey) within a role profile

UNITY solution approach:

  • From motivating and creating awareness to enabling and supporting
  • Develop holistic learning paths derived from the requirements of the respective role
  • Harmonize corporate goals and competence requirements
The right architecture for sustainable success!

Your challenges:

  • Lack of speed in building concrete competencies
  • Diffusion of responsibility between manager, HR and employee in the context of enablement
  • Rigid and inflexible processes from identification of needs to implementation of concrete training formats

UNITY solution approach:

  • Identify the causes for the lack of speed, flexibility and thus effectiveness in enablement
  • Develop a target architecture consisting of processes, governance structures and a target operating model
  • Operationalize the target architecture with relevant stakeholders

Make an appointment with our experts

Depending on the topic, we provide you with the right experts. Select your preferred date from our calendar and discuss your concerns with our experts by phone or via Microsoft Teams without any obligation. We look forward to getting to know you!

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Selected Project Stories in Enablement and Academy

  • [Translate to English:]

    Dealer Academy at BMW Motorrad

    Global Dealer Academy to optimize customer experience 

    • Development of a strategy for the global training program
    • Definition of a modular service offering including a description of the associated measures
    • Presentation of possible scenarios and evaluation of feasibility in cooperation with pilot markets

    Find out more

  • Strategic Competence Radar at DB Systel

    Future Research Meets Strategic HR Management

    • Merging of strategic foresight with HR management
    • Development of a 'competence radar' as a basis for strategic corporate decisions and HR management
    • Description and analysis of relevant competence areas with regard to demand, supply and their influencing factors
  • S/4 HANA Enablement at Melitta

    Setup of an academy for enablement incl. comprehensive change management

    • Setup of an academy and development of persona profiles, learning paths and training formats
    • Execution of trainings along the developed learning paths
    • Conception and execution of various communication and change activities to address different target groups

Future-proof set-up of the HR department at the Clinic Bavaria

Analysis of the HR service offering and definition of target states incl. necessary measures

  • Development of strategic guidelines for the realignment of the HR department and anchoring them in an HR vision
  • Consolidation of the current HR service offering into a service portfolio map
  • Analysis and evaluation of the individual services with regard to the dimensions of process, IT and people
  • Definition of target states for prioritized HR services
  • Identification of necessary requirements for the establishment of the defined target states, derivation of necessary action measures consolidated in an implementation roadmap

Ihre Ansprechpartner

Meik Eusterholz

Partner, Business Area Team Lead

Paderborn, Germany
Contact us

Hannah-Sabrina Lorenz

Senior Consultant

Hamburg, Germany
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Jennifer Wanner


Stuttgart, Germany
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A successful future: with training and coaching from UNITYmove

By means of targeted training measures and supervision in groups as well as individual coaching, UNITYmove promotes competence in dealing with change and provides impetus for sustainable corporate development. Taking a people-oriented approach to analyzing the transformation challenges facing the company and individuals forms the basis of all empowerment measures, alongside the entrepreneurial and economic perspective. Another crucial component is looking at management for sustainable corporate development.

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Insights into Enablement and Academy

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Your contacts for Enablement and Academy

Arne Sierk

Head of Business Transformation & Enablement

Hamburg, Germany
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Dr. Michael Herbst

Partner, Business Area Team Lead

Cologne, Germany
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Magnus Meier

Partner, Business Area Team Lead

Munich/Stuttgart, Germany
Contact us

Dennis R. Schmidt

Partner, Senior Team Leader

Hamburg, Germany
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