'Code the Product' – Developing products such as software
Code the Product
OPPORTUNITY - Facts for decision makers

Shorter development times, a high level of product security and significantly reduced costs – all of this should make up the product development of the future. This will be possible with a fully digital development method that we call “Code the Product” and present in a new issue of OPPORTUNITY.
The approach is based on the DevOps development methodology from software development. This takes up the paradigm of development and testing in an overall context: The individual system components are continuously developed further, but are not only provided at fixed release times and tested in the overall system – instead, a complete overall model is available at all times, which is iteratively concretized with the new development increments. The prerequisite for this paradigm shift is digital product and environment twins, whose behavior is simulated and evaluated in the Industrial Metaverse.
The authors describe their vision using a concrete application example and also explain the transformation path that companies must master on the way to ‘Code the Product’.
Contents of the OPPORTUNITY 'Code the Product'
- Product development in the BANI world
- Technologies and methods for the engineering of the future
- Theses on product development of the future
- The future of development: ‘Code the Product’
- ‘Code the Product’ as an example
- Transformation path
- UNITY projects
‘We are convinced that this is the right direction to take, even if – as things stand today – no company has yet fully embarked on this path. UNITY has extensive experience and expertise in all areas of the transformation path.’

Dr.-Ing. Daniel Steffen
Head of R&D & Systems Engineering and co-author of the OPPORTUNITY
The authors

Dr.-Ing. Daniel Steffen
Partner, Head of R&D & Systems Engineering

Dr.-Ing. Jens Standke
Principal, Head of PLM & Digital Twin

Dr.-Ing. Maurice Meyer
Head of Innovation Hub & Strategic Product Management